Program Pro Blog

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3 Reasons Program Design is Essential to Your Success

February 17, 20243 min read

In the crowded sea of misinformation and opinionated zealots, programming can seem like a total clusterfuck. This often leads to trainers neglecting program design entirely cause, frankly, ain't nobody got time for that.

Right? Wrong.

If your goal is to make a bigger impact on your clients and grow your income as a fitness professional...

You need to have a program design system in order to grow your personal training business.

Here are three reasons why program design is essential to your success as a fitness professional.

(Psst...Do you want a proven, ready-to-use system for program design? Go here now to learn more about how the Program Pro Certification can help).

3 Reasons Program Design is Essential to Your Success as a Personal Trainer

1. It sets you apart from the competition.

Your clients (and potential clients) aren't stupid. They notice the small things.

When someone sees a trainer following a plan and taking notes, they're more willing to whip out their wallet because they think of them as a professional.

When someone sees a trainer randomly pulling exercises out of their ass every session, they're never going to hire them because they view them as an amateur.

Be the first trainer.

2. It saves you time, energy, and stress.

As trainers, we wear a lot of hats. One minute we're coaching someone's deadlift technique, the next minute we're their therapist.

I remember early in my career stressing about bills and finding the time to write all of my clients' programs during my sessions. While I should have been completely in the moment, my mind was elsewhere. That's because I didn't have a system in place for my programs.

At the end of the day, system stands for save yourself some time, energy, and money (or in some cases, migraines).

When you have a proven, repeatable system to confidently design programs that deliver results time and time again...

You'll save hours every week behind the laptop so you have more time and energy for what matters.

Like eating ice cream coaching the hell out of your programs.

3. It helps you gain and retain more clients.

Adherence and consistency are, in my opinion, the most important factors when it comes to client retention. In order to keep your clients coming back to the gym and sticking to their workouts, you need two things:

i) a good relationship (no one wants to train with an asshole)

ii) a good program (no one wants to go to the gym if they aren't seeing results)

If you know how to write programs that are fun, motivating, and deliver results like clockwork...

You won't have to go looking for business. Business will come looking for you.

Your clients will become raving fans and walking, talking billboards for your training business.

But before that happens, you need a solid programming system in place.

Speaking of which, see below for my free 12-Week Plug and Play Program Template. This is one of many templates included in the Program Pro Certification.

Use Templates to Design Better Programs in Less Time

Programming is an essential skill for trainers. Without it you won't get results, referrals, or a reputation as the go-to trainer. Which is why I built the Program Pro Certification.

When it comes to programming - success leaves clues.

And templates allow you to build off of past successes.

Learn how to design better training programs in less time with my FREE 12-Week Plug and Play Program Template. Just enter your name and email for instant access.

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