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3 of My Favourite Training Methods for Summer

June 28, 20244 min read

It's summer and let's face it...the last place (most of) your clients want to be is the gym. Training tends to get put on the backburner, with Aperol Spritz's and BBQ's being top of mind.

As a trainer, designing effective workouts that are time-efficient is a surefire way to keep your clients consistent this time of year.

With that being said, here are three of my favourite training methods to use during the summer.

1. Complexes

Contrary to the name, complexes are fairly simple. A complex is a series of exercises performed in succession, typically using only one piece of equipment without putting it down. The goal is to complete the prescribed repetitions of each exercise before moving on to the next.

I LOVE complexes for clients who travel and use hotel gyms because they're time-efficient and require little to no space or equipment.

Program Design for Complexes

  • Scale loading to the weakest movement. It doesn't make sense to do lunges and hammer curls in the same complex since your legs can (hopefully) handle more weight than your biceps. Use exercises that call for a relatively even level of resistance across the entire complex.

  • Use compound and multi-joint movements. Avoid single-joint or isolation exercises.

  • Do 3-4 sets of 3-8 reps. Rest for 1-2 minutes between sets.

Sample Barbell Complex

  • Barbell Hang Clean 3 x 3

  • Barbell Front Squat 3 x 5

  • Barbell Push Press 3 x 5

  • Barbell RDL 3 x 5

Sample Dumbbell/Kettlebell Complex

  • Dumbbell Offset Goblet Squat 3 x 6

  • Dumbbell Single Arm Push Press 3 x 6

  • Dumbbell Single Leg RDL 3 x 8

  • Dumbbell Bent Over Row 3 x 8

2. EDT - Escalating Density Training

Popularized by Charles Staley, EDT or Escalating Density Training is one of the most simple and effective ways to build muscle.

Rather than performing a prescribed number of sets and reps (ex. 3 sets of 10), you aim to complete as many reps as possible in an allotted timeframe.

Program Design for EDT

  • Set a timer for 10-15 minutes

  • Choose 2-3 exercises that are opposing movement patterns/muscles so you can perform them back to back without taking away from each other

  • Complete as many (good) reps as possible within the allotted timeframe.

Sample EDT Workout - Upper Body - Bodyweight

  • Push-Up x 10

  • Chin-Up x 5

  • Complete as many rounds or reps as possible in 10 min

Sample EDT Workout - Upper Body - Dumbbells

  • Dumbbell Bench Press x 8

  • Dumbbell Prone Row x 8

  • Complete as many rounds or reps as possible in 12 min

Sample EDT Workout - Full Body - Dumbbells

  • Dumbbell RDL x 8

  • Dumbbell Floor Press x 8

  • Band Pull Apart x 12

  • Complete as many rounds or reps as possible in 12 min

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3. The 6-12-25 Method

I love the 6-12-25 Method or the "Shock Method" popularized by Charles Poliquin, especially during the summer, because it's time-efficient and it works.

It incorporates all three essential training methods to build muscle in one workout:

1. Mechanical Tension

“Everybody wants to be a bodybuilder, but nobody wants to lift no heavy-ass weights.” - Ronnie Coleman, 8x Mr. Olympia

Mechanical tension is the load or force placed on your muscles during heavy resistance training.

This involves lifting, as Ronnie states, heavy-ass weights.

2. Muscle Damage

Ever heard of DOMS? There's a fine line between crippling soreness and optimal muscle damage in order to recover and grow. Your program needs to have the right balance, and the 6-12-25 Method offers just that.

3. Metabolic Stress

This is the "pump", usually achieved by performing single-joint exercises for high rep ranges. This produces metabolic by-products called metabolites - including hydrogen ions, lactate, and inorganic phosphate (Schoenfeld, 2022).

Program Design for the 6-12-25 Method:

  • Perform 6 reps of the first exercise (major compound lift). Rest 10 sec.

  • Perform 12 reps of the second exercise (supplemental exercise that mimics the first movement). Rest 10 sec.

  • Perform 25 reps of the third exercise (isolation exercise that targets the prime mover in the previous exercises). Rest 3 min and repeat for 2-3 total sets.

Sample Triceps Workout Using the 6-12-25 Method:

  • A1. Barbell Floor Press x 6 reps

  • Rest 10 sec

  • A2. Close Grip Push-Up x 12 reps

  • Rest 10 sec

  • A3. Triceps Extension x 25 reps

Sample Biceps Workout Using the 6-12-25 Method:

  • A1. Chin-Up x 6 reps

  • Rest 10 sec

  • A2. TRX Biceps Curl x 12 reps

  • Rest 10 sec

  • A3. Banded Biceps Curl x 25 reps

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